Wednesday, November 18, 2015


This is Elgar.

He is a little play biter.

When we got him, he was very skinny and had bit of skin issues.
He was very dirty and you can see his legs that are very brown colored. He should have had white paws and legs but unfortunately he didn't had any bath in his life.
Poor baby, don't you think so too?

He came to our house in beginning of February and it was super cold season. We put him sweater on and let him play in the back yard for an hour.

He didn't trust us at first,but 2 days later..... his like wow.
Became totally different dog.

We've taught him the basic obedience; sit, down, stay, recalls, and wait...etc.
He learned very quickly with reward based methods and really loves attention.

Good thing was that when we threw KONG, tennis ball, and other toys, he always retrieved.

Loves ropes too.
Destroyed couple ropes :)

He didn't have any allergy to foods, so he ate wonderful gourmet meals every single day.
He wasn't picky about foods, didn't leave any foods on the bowls.

As he gained weight and energy back and was ready to go, he returned to the rescuer; because there was a boxer  mixed dog that needed to gain weight.

After a while, he was adopted!

We all love you Elgar!!!! I hope you are having wonderful life!


This is Echo, 7th foster dog.

Echo has been passed from family to family. 
Originally named Caribou, Echo comes from Illinois. Her family re-homed her and made their way to Arizona. 

She was turned in to Maricopa County Animal Care & Control when that family decided to move again and not take her with them. 

....She was placed on the euthanasia list for being fearful.

When Echo came here, she was very skinny and she had no expressions in her. She didn't know toys. 
She was probably 4 or 5 years old at the time she came here.
Unlike other dogs she didn't like to play outside or with other dogs. She just liked to stay inside the house.

She was very calm, and the only toy she played is the toy that was fluffy and had squeaky thing inside.

After Echo had been with me for a while, the rescuer told me that she couldn't take her to the events or vet; because the location of our house and the rescuer's house, as well as the event place, was too far. Riding back-and-forth was just too much for the rescuer, so she said she couldn't do that,

So, we had to give Echo back to the rescuer. She didn't do well with cats or other dogs.

She stayed for a while at the rescuer's home. But finally, she got adapted to a young couple:) She looked very happy!!!

We love you Echo!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Our 6th foster dog, Grigio!!!!!

When we got him, he wasn't so skinny, but his coat was very stinky, starched, had some skin problems and his ear was inflamed so badly.
I'm positively 100% sure that previous owner cropped his ear with knife and abused him.

He loves getting into the pool and swim!!

It was beginning of the August and....

Look at his smile!
He is very different than the day he came to our house. He smiled every single day :) 

We found out that he has allergic reaction to some foods, so we had to quit giving him gluten, grain, and poultry products. However, I put a lot of effort on thinking about and making recipes for his food; therefore, he became such a muscular pretty boy!!!!

*No gluten means absolutely no wheat flower at all. So I used Garbanzo flower instead.

*No grain means of course no no rice, bread, pasta(some noodles), oats, and many more... So instead,  I used green bean noodle and quinoa. 

This is what I make for dogs twice, sometimes triple times every day.
So many different kind of healthy vegetables, Omega-3 fishes, couple supplements, and fruits for a side dish.

Of course, I avoid some food that they can't have, such as; avocado, chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes......and a lot more. I'm always being careful what I cook for them.

While Grigio was here, Sara visited for about 4 to 5 days. 
She looked very happy with her new owner. 

Yup, Sara still LOVES KONG :)

When she got here, she ran into the yard and circling so many times.
We were so happy to meet her again!!!

And then, a week later when Sara left, guess who came here.

Yes, everyone's favorite Schubert.
Schubert came to see us for about 4 days, I believe.

yeah, wowowoww Schubert!!

We had total 6 dogs in all different rooms. 4 of mine shares 1 room and living room. Grigio stays in master bed room. And Schubert and Sara stayed another big room with one of human family.

We do not use crate for dog sitting or fostering. 
If I'm a dog, I don't want to stay in small tiny space where I can't even stretch our my legs and don't have enough room to spend entire hours.

Anyway, our crate is broken and does not work at all.. hahaha :)

Sara and Schubert had so much fun playing outside freely!!!

Okay, back to Grigio.

Respect all of living creature. 

His smile blows away our stress, worries, and negative emotions. 

On the right side is our dog(3rd one), on the left side is Grigio.

They became BEST FRIEND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our girl, she doesn't trust human so easily, but she totally trust dogs so quickly. 

 Everyday, about 11:00a.m., she waits for Grigio to come out.
Most of the time she sits and wait for him, and as soon as he gets out from the house, they play really hard, running in the yard, and having waaayy too much fun.

 She usually doesn't allow other dogs to share same water, but I don't know why, she only allow him having same water!! It is good thing, but I feel awkward, lol.

Like this. Everyday, or twice a day. Best Buddy in the World!!!

We all love you Grigio!!!! See you soon!

Thursday, October 29, 2015


This is Schubert.


He was rescued from drug dealer's house. He was adopted once, and he was in the crate all day. Then, the owner told the rescuer that they didn't want him anymore, and if the rescuer didn't take him, then they will leave him to the dog park.

So, Schubert came to our house on the 20th of April, 2014.
When he came to our house, he did't have any muscle, his nails weren't cut, and looked like he never had any exercise.

At first, he did not eat any food. He didn't know toys, or how to play with them.

His teeth smelled so bad, he had something stuck under his teeth, and couldn't take them off by myself, so I told the rescuer to take him to the vet. After that, he had clean teeth!!!

We put our dogs and Schubert in the same room, so he can play with our dogs to get muscles on him and gain energy. He was having fun with our dogs.

He liked playing in the yard with my other dogs, and he was good in the house as well.

One day, we were giving an Apple to all of the dogs. When it was turn for my oldest dog to have one, he once ate it and he spit it out. Then, Schubert ate the Apple.

My dog got mad, he barked to Schubert and Schubert started to bite my dog over an Apple. Then, from there, when he saw my oldest dog, he would go crazy wanting to bite my dog.

We had to separate him from our dogs. So he stayed in different room.

He loved to be with me, he would stick behind me everywhere I go. And eventually, he would snore next to me.

In no time, he thought this was his house.

He got adopted in 10th of June in 2014.

We will love you forever Schubert!!!


Our biggest foster dog, Sara!!!
Yes, she is big.

On 19th of March 2014, rescuer brought this big girl.

Liszt was okay for being with our dogs, and Sara was calm, so we all thought she will be fine sharing room with our dogs. 

But that thought was unbelievable wrong.

Our oldest dog, he is way over excited and got big fight between Sara and himself.

We were so scared of having this kind of situation, so we returned her to rescuer. Because we didn't want her to get any injury and so our dogs as well.

 For about a week or so, we decided to foster her again(Of course, we separated their rooms).

Sara was in boarding place for a week since we returned to her to rescuer. 
We didn't feel that was right choice and felt so regretful for a week. We had family discussion and all agreed with fostering her in different room until she gets adapted.

So, a week later, she came back with horrible condition of coat and weight loss. We had no idea how she has been treated at the boarding place. It might have been that she didn't have enough food over there.

On 26th of March, she spent first night at our home. 

She totally loves chasing KONG.
She also loves playing with Softballs.

Sara is good at using her giant paws to brush her teeth with rope, lol.

Who can fly like her??
I think she is the one who can fly, fly, fly... for a ball.

She stayed with us for about 2 weeks. Then, Sara was adopted and her name became Xena!!! 

We love you forever!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Annie & Sasha

This is Sasha

We have no idea what she is mixed with. 
She was about 4 or 5 months old at that time we fostered her. 
When we got her from rescuer, she was so frightened, scared of everything(include my dogs), so skinny.
On the first day, Sasha had blood stool and didn't have any energy to play or eat. Although, in no time, she had recovered her energy to play and eat. She began to show herself.

This is Annie.
Annie came the next day. She was extremely energetic puppy that I've never met. She is also about 4 or 5 months old and she also had mucus diarrhea. When we got her, holly molly... little monster. Too much of play bites and everyone of my family got tiny holes on arms. She loved to clean her teeth with our arms and loved to chew on noses. She is so sweet, isn't she?

Both Sasha and Annie loved playing in the yard together.
They didn't fight over toys. Good thing was that we had way too enough doggy toys for them to choose and play.

They LOVED playing with ropes. Usually, Annie wins when they do tag of war. She was much stronger than Sasha.

Rescuer told us that they were sibling and mixed with German Shepherd dog... but... I don't think that is correct.

Sasha loved cuddling with people and always wanted to be with me. 
Annie..... oh, wow. Totally I mean opposite to Sasha's personality. She does not care about people at all. She is more active than Sasha and she is more like wild child. Yes, very very wild girl. They both got adopted to a family; first, Annie to a couple and the man really loved her!! Next, was Sasha, but we don't know who adopted her...we hope they're having happy lives.

We all love you Sasha, Annie!!!! 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


This boy, his name is Liszt. 

He was 10 months old, mixed with Pit-bull. Look at his face. Even though he is a boy, he has thick eye liner. Oh my... he draws better than I do, LOL. He has such an unforgettable face, isn't he?

He was here for only 3 days and could not spend so much time with him. But he got adopted by another family!!!

We don't know who adopted him, but we will always wish his happiness forever.

We all love you Liszt!